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Perfect Fluffy Rice and Egg Fried Rice

Back when I was a student, my older and wiser flatmate taught me how to make the perfect rice. It's foolproof and in 20 years I've never made it any differently.

I always weigh rice when it's dry as it's really easy to end up with too much or too little. A 75g portion is plenty if it's being served with something else, such as my 3 bean chilli or bbq pork recipes. To cook the rice you need one third rice to two thirds water. No need to wash the rice first, just weigh it in a cup and make note of how full the cup is. Place the rice into a pot then fill the cup with water to the same fill level as the rice was. Add the water to the pot with the rice and repeat once.

Bring the water to the boil and once boiling cover with a lid and turn the heat down to low. Leave it to cook, after 17 mins there should be almost no water left. Check to see if it's almost cooked. If it is, turn the heat off but leave it on the hob with the lid on. The steam will continue to cook it and it'll be properly cooked after 20mins. If the rice isn't almost cooked when you try it and there's no water left in the pot then add a splash more water. This cooking method works for any kind of rice. Though, for brown rice you will need a bit more water and a longer cooking time, probably 25-30mins. Once your rice is cooked stir it with a fork to break it up. It will keep warm in the pot for another 5 - 10 minutes, if you leave it on the hob with the lid on and heat turned off.

So, now you have perfectly cooked rice it couldn't be easier to make it into Egg Fried Rice.

Egg Fried Rice

Cook your rice as above but once stirred through with a fork leave it to cool.

Heat a tablespoon of oil in a wok or large frying pan, allow a tablespoon for two portions of rice i.e. 150g. Once hot add the rice and quickly stir in the pan so that all of the rice becomes coated in oil allowing it to fry. After a few minutes spread the rice across the pan and crack your egg(s) on top. I allow one egg per 75g portion of rice. Quickly stir your eggs into the rice so that they break up and cook through. Don't forget to scrape up any bits that get stuck to the bottom of the pan, these are the tastiest bits!

Once you can see all of the egg is cooked, serve up immediately and eat while hot.

If you'd like to cook and cool the rice ahead of time then you can do. The cooled rice will keep in the fridge for one day, or you can freeze it. If you intend to freeze then I'd recommend spreading on a lined baking sheet, see photo, and placing the whole tray into the freezer. Once frozen you can slide the rice into a more convenient to store freezer bag or container.

The rule to remember with rice is that once cooked, it can only be reheated once. Otherwise you run the risk of giving yourself food poisoning. So, when the rice is cooked as above, cooled and then fried, the frying is your one time of reheating.

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