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Barcelona Club Sandwich

The ultimate club sandwich!

This is what we fondly refer to as the Barcelona Club! We spent a long weekend in Barcelona a couple of years ago and I think my husband had this at least 3 times over the weekend. We really enjoyed Barcelona but found the noise of the city at night a lot to take when we wanted to sit outside and have dinner. The endless traffic and noise of screaming moped engines in particular. However, our hotel had a rooftop terraced bar that served meals, we were saved! I've no idea if this is how all chicken club sandwiches are served in Barcelona but we enjoyed it so much that this is my attempt to recreate it at home.

Everything about this just works! If I hadn't had this served to me I'd probably never have put it together as a combo. The two types of cold deli meat with hot chicken, bacon and a runny yoked egg, but it does just work!

This sandwich is the reason I first bought Birdseye Crispy Chicken Dippers! The version we were served on holiday had a battered chicken on and these seemed to hit the mark. I have put directions below but its essentially a brioche bun with mayo, salad leaves, deli chicken and ham, battered chicken pieces, bacon rashers and finally a fried runny egg. On holiday it was served with guacamole and chunky chips, which we occasionally do but more often this becomes a treat lunch for a weekend served on its own.


Serves 1

  • Brioche bun

  • 1 tbsp. mayonnaise

  • A handful of salad leaves eg spinach, lettuce

  • 3 slices cold meat / deli meat 1.5 ham and 1.5 chicken

  • 3 chicken dippers

  • 2 bacon rashers

  • 1 large fried egg


  1. Cook your chicken according to packet instructions.

  2. Cook your bacon, for this I like to do mine in the oven for around 10 mins as I find it stays flat that way rather than curling at the edges, like it does under the grill or by frying.

  3. While the chicken and bacon cook add the mayo to the bottom of the roll, then layer on the salad leaves and cold meat.

  4. Begin frying the egg a minute or two before the chicken is ready.

  5. When the chicken, bacon and egg are ready layer them on.

  6. That's it, now enjoy!

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